Erez Akerman To Step Down As PDE President

Panama Diamond Exchange President Erez Akerman will end his term at the head of Latin America's only WFDB-recognized diamond bourse on October 30.

He will then become managing director of the World Jewelry Hub, and at the same time will be devoted to managing his own company at PDE, Akerman Diamonds.

Akerman has served as Panama Diamond Exchange president since 2008, the year in which the diamond bourse was founded. He led the organization through its early development, during which it was accepted as a member of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses, through to the establishment of its current facility in the Phase I building of the World Jewelry Hub, in the Santa Maria Business District in Panama City.

As WJH managing director, Akerman will shift his focus to the Phase II stage of the World Jewelry Hub, which involves the construction of a multi-story office tower and business center, in Latin America's only dedicated gemstone and jewelry trading hub.

Akerman's successor, who will take over as PDE president on November 1, will be chosen during the coming weeks.